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Actively respond to global water shortage problem

- Contribute to solving the global drinking water shortage problem.

- Treat domestic sewage water and factory wastewater to discharge it to rivers or recycle it.

Water shortage status
  • The world's population is growing in rapid economic growth. In particular, water consumption per capita in Indonesia, Vietnam and India has decreased significantly.
  • Increasing uneven distribution of water resources in the world has led to severe water shortages in certain countries. (1/5 of all countries in the world, 3 billion people)
  • Rapid industrialization is producing massive amounts of sewage and wastewater to contaminate the land and underground water, reducing the amount of clean water available to drink resulting in a variety of waterborne diseases. (more than 5 million people die each year)
  • In the Middle East and developed countries, large-scale desalination facilities are installed to solve the water shortage, but only certain areas are having benefits but most areas still drink contaminated water and lime water. Therefore, small sized desalination facilities are urgently needed in areas that do not have the benefit.